My journey with CEPH as my expandable home NAS - Testing


First of all I’d rather not to buy hardware blindly and then start testing the system and it’s configurations, so this post will be about testing a single node ceph cluster in a virtual environment.

My Setup

I’m running everything on the following hardware configuration:

  • Computing: Intel Core i7-12700 16GB RAM DDR4@3200MT/s
  • Storage:
  • 1x NVME 500GB disk
  • 3x WD-RED 1TB HDD 5400 rpm (WDC WD10EFRX-68F) in RAID5 configuration (Intel RST + mdadm)

Host performances

Here are some approximate measurements of read/write speeds on the disks done with the commands:

sudo hdparm -Tt <disk> #for read performances
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=2048 conv=fsync status=progress

HDD RAID speed reported to be

  Timing cached reads:   39396 MB in  2.00 seconds = 19732.09 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads: 862 MB in  3.01 seconds = 286.77 MB/sec
  2048+0 records in
  2048+0 records out
  2147483648 bytes (2,1 GB, 2,0 GiB) copied, 21,1149 s, 102 MB/s

NVME (Only writes):

  2048+0 records in
  2048+0 records out
  2147483648 bytes (2,1 GB, 2,0 GiB) copied, 1,51033 s, 1,4 GB/s

1 - Spinning up the VM

I Used a virtual machine with 4 cores and 4096MB of ram allocated and Rocky Linux 9 minimal installation. For the storage configuration I’ve gone with the following:

  • 1 boot disk (16GB) on my boot disk (nvme) qcow2
  • 3 disks (8GB each) on the mechanical storage in raw format fully allocated on sata bus (this is done for performance validation, qcow2 is SLOOOW)
  • 2 disks (6GB each) on the nvme disk in raw format fully allocated on SATA bus for testing out cache tiering performances

Base system setup

sudo dnf update

#Set hostname to ceph-test
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname ceph-test

Testing speeds

#Get disks and labels
[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ lsblk
sda           8:0    0    8G  0 disk 
sdb           8:16   0    8G  0 disk 
sdc           8:32   0    8G  0 disk 
sdd           8:48   0    6G  0 disk 
sde           8:64   0    6G  0 disk 
sr0          11:0    1 1024M  0 rom  
vda         252:0    0   16G  0 disk 
├─vda1      252:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
└─vda2      252:2    0   15G  0 part 
  ├─rl-root 253:0    0 13.4G  0 lvm  /
  └─rl-swap 253:1    0  1.6G  0 lvm  [SWAP]

#Testing out speeds
[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo dnf install hdparm

# Boot disk speed (vda)
[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/vda

 Timing cached reads:   39310 MB in  2.00 seconds = 19694.27 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads: 7938 MB in  3.00 seconds = 2645.92 MB/sec

[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=1024 conv=fsync status=progress
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 0.836329 s, 1.3 GB/s

# SSDs

[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sde

 Timing cached reads:   37702 MB in  2.00 seconds = 18887.34 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads: 4096 MB in  1.68 seconds = 2434.00 MB/sec
[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sde bs=1M count=1024 conv=fsync status=progress
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 1.16804 s, 919 MB/s


[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sda

 Timing cached reads:   39666 MB in  2.00 seconds = 19871.21 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads: 636 MB in  3.00 seconds = 211.75 MB/sec
[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=1024 conv=fsync status=progress
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 6.96485 s, 154 MB/s

As we can see times are inline with what resulted on the host.

Installing ceph

First of all we should install some required stuff for it to work

sudo dnf install podman python3 llvm2 nano

We can now bootstrap our (and only) node

[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ curl --silent --remote-name --location
[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ chmod +x cephadm
[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo ./cephadm add-repo --release quincy
Completed adding repo.
[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo ./cephadm install
[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip --allow-fqdn-hostname --skip-monitoring-stack --single-host-defaults

Where is the current host ip. You can now access the control dashboard at https://<your ip>:8443/

Enter the ceph shell next:

[stefano@ceph-test ~]$ sudo cephadm shell
[ceph: root@ceph-test /]#

Building a standard pool and fs

Once we are into the shell we can now get all the available devices and create the osds.

[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph orch device ls --refresh
ceph-test  /dev/sda  hdd   ATA_QEMU_HARDDISK_QM00009  8589M  Yes        11s ago                    
ceph-test  /dev/sdb  hdd   ATA_QEMU_HARDDISK_QM00007  8589M  Yes        11s ago                    
ceph-test  /dev/sdc  hdd   ATA_QEMU_HARDDISK_QM00011  8589M  Yes        11s ago                    
ceph-test  /dev/sdd  hdd   ATA_QEMU_HARDDISK_QM00013  6442M  Yes        11s ago                    
ceph-test  /dev/sde  hdd   ATA_QEMU_HARDDISK_QM00015  6442M  Yes        11s ago

#Tip: wait for full osc creation and start
[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph orch daemon add osd ceph-test:/dev/sda
[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph orch daemon add osd ceph-test:/dev/sdb
[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph orch daemon add osd ceph-test:/dev/sdc

with the same method create the other two osd and change their class (if not recognized as ssd)

[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph orch daemon add osd ceph-test:/dev/sdd
[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph osd crush rm-device-class osd.3
[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph osd crush set-device-class ssd osd.3
[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph orch daemon add osd ceph-test:/dev/sde
[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph osd crush rm-device-class osd.4
[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# ceph osd crush set-device-class ssd osd.4

Note that osd.3 and osd.4 are the ids ceph assigned to the newly created osds.

Testing out: hdd only replicated 2/2

First create the replication rule

ceph osd crush rule create-replicated replicated_hdd default osd hdd

ceph osd pool create replicated_no_cache_fs replicated replicated_hdd --autoscale-mode=on
ceph osd pool set replicated_no_cache_fs size 2
ceph osd pool set replicated_no_cache_fs min_size 2

Testing raw pool speed

[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# rados bench -p replicated_no_cache_fs 10 write --no-cleanup
hints = 1
Maintaining 16 concurrent writes of 4194304 bytes to objects of size 4194304 for up to 10 seconds or 0 objects
Object prefix: benchmark_data_ceph-test_475
  sec Cur ops   started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s last lat(s)  avg lat(s)
    0       0         0         0         0         0           -           0
   14       4        44        40   11.4275        12     5.29316     4.54613
Total time run:         14.1894
Total writes made:      44
Write size:             4194304
Object size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     12.4036
Stddev Bandwidth:       4.35007
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 20
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
Average IOPS:           3
Stddev IOPS:            1.13873
Max IOPS:               5
Min IOPS:               0
Average Latency(s):     4.56899
Stddev Latency(s):      1.1601
Max latency(s):         6.0285
Min latency(s):         1.27842

12MB/s… pretty crappy, that’s 1/6 of an USB2.0

Testing out: hdd only erasure coded k=2 m=1

ceph osd erasure-code-profile set k2m1 k=2 m=1 crush-failure-domain=osd crush-device-class=hdd
ceph osd crush rule create-erasure erasure_hdd k2m

ceph osd pool create data erasure k2m1 erasure_hdd --autoscale-mode=on
ceph osd pool set data allow_ec_overwrites true

Testing raw pool speed

[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# rados bench -p data 30 write
Total time run:         33.455
Total writes made:      121
Write size:             4194304
Object size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     14.4672
Stddev Bandwidth:       4.41416
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 20
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
Average IOPS:           3
Stddev IOPS:            1.12057
Max IOPS:               5
Min IOPS:               0
Average Latency(s):     4.23906
Stddev Latency(s):      0.678004
Max latency(s):         5.70135
Min latency(s):         1.37831
Cleaning up (deleting benchmark objects)
Removed 121 objects
Clean up completed and total clean up time :2.4025

14MB/s… HOW? It should be slower… I think I’ll keep the 2/2 replication because EC is wess uited on more disks (like k=4 m=2)

Trying cache…

Caching pool 2/1

First of all we need to create the cache pool and the relative crush rule

ceph osd crush rule create-replicated replicated_cache default osd ssd

ceph osd pool create cache replicated replicated_cache --autoscale-mode=on
ceph osd pool set cache size 2
ceph osd pool set cache min_size 1

Now we can add the cache tier

ceph osd tier add <data pool name> cache
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
ceph osd tier set-overlay replicated_no_cache_fs cache
ceph osd pool set cache hit_set_type bloom
ceph osd pool set cache hit_set_count 12
ceph osd pool set cache hit_set_period 14400
ceph osd pool set cache target_max_bytes <0.8*your ssd capacity> 9600000000

Small parenthesis, testing the cache raw speed

[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# rados bench -p cache 10 write
Total time run:         10.1919
Total writes made:      1468
Write size:             4194304
Object size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     576.142
Stddev Bandwidth:       125.174
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 664
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 288
Average IOPS:           144
Stddev IOPS:            31.2936
Max IOPS:               166
Min IOPS:               72
Average Latency(s):     0.110211
Stddev Latency(s):      0.0341686
Max latency(s):         0.231888
Min latency(s):         0.053774
Cleaning up (deleting benchmark objects)
Removed 1468 objects
Clean up completed and total clean up time :0.234817

A good amount of cpu was used and I’m pretty sure the process was cpu bottleneck’d

Testing the final speed

[ceph: root@ceph-test /]# rados bench -p replicated_no_cache_fs 10 write
Total time run:         10.1919
Total writes made:      1468
Write size:             4194304
Object size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     576.142
Stddev Bandwidth:       125.174
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 664
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 288
Average IOPS:           144
Stddev IOPS:            31.2936
Max IOPS:               166
Min IOPS:               72
Average Latency(s):     0.110211
Stddev Latency(s):      0.0341686
Max latency(s):         0.231888
Min latency(s):         0.053774
Cleaning up (deleting benchmark objects)
Removed 1468 objects
Clean up completed and total clean up time :0.234817

Deleting pools

Pool deletion is disabled by default. activate it by

ceph tell mon.\* injectargs '--mon-allow-pool-delete=true'

you can now delete the pool

ceph osd pool delete <name> <name> --yes-i-really-really-mean-it

Configuring a file system

ceph osd pool create metadata 128 replicated replicated_hdd 
ceph osd pool set metadata size 3
ceph osd pool set metadata min_size 2

ceph osd pool application enable data cephfs
ceph osd pool application enable metadata cephfs

ceph orch apply mds ceph-test
ceph orch apply nfs ceph-test

ceph fs new data_fs metadata data

now you can deploy a NFS export from the dashboard and mount on a client computer.

Testing speeds

sudo mount -t nfs /mnt
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/data/test.bin bs=1M count=2048 conv=fsync status=progress
1206910976 bytes (1,2 GB, 1,1 GiB) copied, 4 s, 296 MB/s
1212153856 bytes (1,2 GB, 1,1 GiB) copied, 5 s, 237 MB/s
1217396736 bytes (1,2 GB, 1,1 GiB) copied, 6 s, 198 MB/s
1221591040 bytes (1,2 GB, 1,1 GiB) copied, 7 s, 174 MB/s
1226833920 bytes (1,2 GB, 1,1 GiB) copied, 8 s, 152 MB/s
1233125376 bytes (1,2 GB, 1,1 GiB) copied, 9 s, 137 MB/s
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
2147483648 bytes (2,1 GB, 2,0 GiB) copied, 119,608 s, 18,0 MB/s

As you can see, the copy starts pretty fast and the speeds decays because of buffers and similar things.

Oh no, A disk is gone!

Simply delete the osd, change the disk and recreate it. Ceph will take care of moving and rewriting missing pgs

ceph osd out osd.0
ceph orch osd rm 0
ceph osd purge 0 --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph orch daemon rm osd.0 --force
ceph orch device ls --refresh
ceph orch daemon add osd localhost.localdomain:/dev/sdf

Once the osd has been recreated, data will start to flow into the disk. remember to change the disk class if you’re in a virtual machine!


Add a new osd and the crushrules will do the math and move things around

ceph orch daemon add osd localhost.localdomain:/dev/sdf

Another way of expanding is to remove an existing disk, wait for cluster rebalance and then add a new bigger disk. ceph should handle this ssituation but you’ll get a disk with more IOPS and more data into it. Be sure that all the data in the bigger disck can be moved to the others!


I’m writing this update after some testing and this is what has gone wrong or needed some tweaks:

  • I’ve expanded the RAM amount for the VM and set it at 8GB because things can get pretty slow pretty fast when using caching and rebuilding.
  • Also I made a small tweak to ceph configuration from the web ui by setting osd_memory_target to 1GB instead of 4GB… this was needed because 5 osd * 4 GB > 8GB and things went bad once while testing expansion capabilities.

Additional resources
