CV - Stefano Fontana

Personal Informations

Name: Stefano Fontana

Citizenship: Italian

Gender: Male (he/him)

Born: Brescia, ITALY

Born date: Apr 7th 2000



Phone: +39 3382561373

Professional Experience

Ground Segment Infrastructure Engineer

from 2023 until now

Responsible for developing and deploying the satellite constellation ground infrastructure and user services for the company. This role involved the creation and management of a microservices infrastructure, which is deployed on an internally managed Kubernetes cluster. The infrastructure utilizes RabbitMQ queuing system to deliver a range of highly available end-user services.

Key technologies employed in the development of this infrastructure include HashiCorp Vault for secret management and a combination of Rust, Go, and TypeScript for various services. The primary objective of the satellite constellation and its associated ground control software is to collect and relay data from user-owned remote devices, making it accessible for later retrieval via internet. Additionally, the ground infrastructure facilitates the control and management of the satellite constellation through a suite of internal tools.

Apogeo Space s.r.l., Via Borgo Pietro Wuhrer 119, 25123 Brescia (BS) ITALY

Backend software developer and network infrastructure consultant

from 2022 to 2023

Developed the company’s website, achieving a significant level of integration with the internal management software. This integration enables users to check warehouse status and place orders directly through the website.

Additionally, implemented a network infrastructure featuring a Single Sign-On (SSO) system synchronized with the company’s Active Directory. This system streamlines access to the website’s management interface and all network services, both internal and external, including the wireless infrastructure.

Ziche Marmi s.r.l., Via Pieve 8, 25080 Nuvolento (BS) ITALY

Backend software developer for blockchain systems

from 2020 to 2022

Served as the Chief Backend Developer and Internal Network System Administrator, overseeing a team of developers and managing critical backend operations.

Key technologies utilized and administered during this period include Proxmox as the primary cluster hypervisor and VyOS as the network firewall. Additionally, managed and implemented various software and services within the working environment, such as Bitcoind, LND, NBXplorer, and BTCPayServer.

Bitcoinpeople s.r.l., Via Cipro 66, 25124 - BRESCIA (BS) ITALY

Formative Stage as SAP Developer


During this period he approached SAP interface developing and UX/UI Studies.

Regesta s.r.l., Via A.Panigada 15, 25126 - BRESCIA (BS) ITALY


from 2022 until now

Computer Science and Engineering Intelligent Technologies and Systems Degree

Università degli studi di Brescia, facoltà di ingegneria, Information Engineering Department.

Degree (Second level) in Computer Science and Engineering Intelligent Technologies and Systems - Class LM-32

From 2019 to 2022

Computer Science and Engineering Bachelor’s degree

Università degli studi di Brescia, facoltà di ingegneria, Information Engineering Department.

Bachelor’s degree (First level) in Computer science and Engineering Engineering - Class L-8

Thesis title: Sviluppo di un sistema di supporto alla programmazione per dispositivi integrati della famiglia AVR [@FontanaSviluppodiun2022]

Graduated with 108/110

From 2014 to 2019

Technical Institute Diploma in the Technological Sector, Information Technology and Telecommunications, Information Technology department

I.I.S. B.Castelli, Brescia (BS),

Graduated with 100/100

pre-university study


Can Platoons Form on Their Own

Conference Paper

  • Authors: L. Ghiro, R. Lo Cigno, E. Tonini, S. Fontana, and M. Segata
  • Conference: 2024 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC)

Bibtex Citation



  • Italian: Native Language
  • English: B2

Communication Skills

Good skills in group communication and collaboration, good formal context communication and exposure

Management Skills

Good skills in small groups management and interaction with other teams

Professional Skills

  • Advanced networking and sysadmin skills
  • Good network planning skills
  • Basic Telecommunications skills
  • Good knowledge of hardware design and digital electronics
  • Good skills in hardware debug and low level programming
  • Good Matlab skills
  • Basic mechanical skills

Known Programming Languages

  • C: Advanced
  • C++: Advanced
  • Java: Advanced
  • Javascript: Advanced
  • Typescript: Advanced
  • SQL: Advanced
  • Bash: Advanced
  • Python: Advanced
  • Matlab: Good
  • Rust: Medium
  • PHP: Medium
  • Assembly (ARM and x86): Medium
  • Siemens S7: Basic

Known Frameworks and Libraries

  • Javascript and Typescript
    • ReactJS and AngularJS frontend frameworks
    • express-js web server
    • Nest.js web server and micro-services framework
  • PHP
    • Laravel
  • Python
    • pandas and numpy data analysis libraries
    • PuLP python linear programming problem optimization
  • Java
    • Gurobi
  • Medium skills administering Wordpress

Known tools and instruments

  • Advanced git knowledge
  • Good Github knowledge including github actions
  • Good knowledge of Jenkins incluing configuration and availability settings
  • Proxmox: deployment and management
  • Kubernetes: deployment and management
  • Ceph storage cluster: deployment and management
  • Docker: infrastructure provisioning and deployment
  • Deployment and management of single sign-on services
  • Blockchain development and deployment
  • Bitcoin and Lightning network

Digital Skills

Office Automation skills such as text formatting, spreadsheets and presentations are advanced using the most common office suites and latex. Advanced skills in web browsing and web researching. Good knowledge on CAD softwares (MCAD, ECAD) such as SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Kicad, Eagle, Altium Designer

Other Activities and positions

Chair of IEEE Student Branch


Chair of University of Brescia - affiliated - IEEE Student Branch 1019.

IEEE Student Branch of Brescia is the reference for the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in Brescia. The Branch main goal is to integrate the modus operandi of scientific research into the academic and professional career of each member, this takes place through group projects or individual research in different fields of IT.

Vice Chair of IEEE Student Branch

from 2021 to 2022

Vice chair of University of Brescia - affiliated - IEEE Student Branch 1019.

During the 2019-2022 pandemic the association organized a conference about technological topics and collaborated with other associations in the Brescia metropolian area.

Thanks to all the initiatives the association organized and participated, IEEE Section Italy assigned the “Exemplary Student Branch Award” for the year 2022.

Junior Judo Instructor

2019 until now

Since 2019, while pursuing competitive training, he has been instructing children aged 5 to 11 in the art of judo.

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